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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) in St. Catharines
Abdominoplasty is more commonly known as a tummy tuck, a surgical procedure used to address your protruding, loose or sagging abdomen, often caused by heredity, significant weight loss or pregnancy. In the procedure, the plastic surgeon removes the extra skin and fat surrounding your abdomen.
People who are considering a tummy tuck desire a firmer abdomen with a smoother and trimmer look. The procedure can also improve weakened abdominal muscles. However, a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss achieved by proper diet and regular exercise.
In St. Catharines, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedures are performed while you are under anesthesia. Your surgeon makes a horizontal incision appropriately sized to the amount of skin to be removed. Once the weakened abdominal muscles are repaired, the surgeon pulls down the skin from your upper abdomen to your pubic hairline. The extra skin is trimmed away and sutures close the incision.

Your plastic surgeon will advise about what expect after your surgery and your individual recovery. With a successful tummy tuck, you should have an abdomen that is in more proportion to the rest of your body.
If you have a realistic expectation for your individual results, are physically healthy and have achieved a stable weight, you may be a good candidate for the surgical procedure. Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Young to discuss if a tummy tuck is right for you.